Delagram 28th February 2025
From the Principal
Assistant Principal
Leader of Teaching and Learning
Religious Education Coordinator
Youth Minister
Mission Leaders of La Salle Academy
Pastoral and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Year 7,9 and 11
Pastoral and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Year 8 and 10
Library News
Mowers Needed
All things attendance
Important Information
CEBD Community Charter
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Karate Classes
Student stationery pack
Becoming a foster carer
Canteen- Flexischools App
School Zones Reminder
From the Principal

The catholic community here in Australia and across the world have come together in prayer over the last two weeks as we collectively wish Pope Francis a speedy recovery from his recent ill-health. I continue to invite our students, families and community to continue to pray for Pope Francis and other people that you know within our own communities that are of ill-health over the coming
Throughout the previous week, I have been reflecting on all the activities that are being offered by our staff and external agencies that are working in cooperation with our school for the enhanced outcomes of our students. Activities like:
STEAM Project at the Adaptive Skills Hub: In a unique collaboration with Lithgow High School,
Portland Central School, Lithgow City Council and the Federal Government – some students are
availing of a STEAM project that has a committed $1.1 million investment here in Lithgow.
Visual Arts Club: Photography competitions, portrait entries into the Blue Mountains Gallery
showpiece and the development of tiny onsite gallery at the school.
Sporting Opportunities: A swimming carnival, touch football trials, developing relationships with
Greater Western Sydney Giants AFL and other professional sporting organisations.
Introduction of Primary Industries: Onboarding of another onsite vocational education subject in
Primary Industries.
Commencement of School Based Apprenticeships: A number of students commencing school-
based apprenticeship in local businesses
Commencement of TAFE Courses: Students starting courses in Interior Design, Aboriginal Studies,
Early Childhood, Health Support, Beauty Services and Electrotechnology.
Elevate Education: Study Skills workshop delivered to Year 7 & 8 students last week, with
presentations to Years 9 – 12 later this term.
SAVE Driving Course: Committing to a SAVE driver traffic offender prevention program for Senior
Camp: The Year 7 cohort attending Camp Yarramundi this week to strengthen existing relationships
and promote new friendships throughout the group.
Easter Catholic Art Workshop: Select students under the guidance of an expert artist, create pieces
of work to submit for the Bishop’s consideration for Easter.
CSU School Visit: Visits from Charles Sturt University who delivered bespoke courses to Year 9, 10 &
11. And a further commitment of the school to bring the Year 10 & 12 cohorts to CSU Bathurst on
Tuesday 11 th March for their Explore Day.
Narrative Writing Workshop: Offered by Western Sydney University at the transformation hub,
Year 7 had the chance to engage with accomplished authors and enhance their writing skills.
Introduction of New Courses: Students started the Resilience Project (Years 7-12), successful habits
classes (Years 7-10) and Work Education (Year 10).
Opening Mass: A beautiful mass service on Day One that included the commissioning ceremony for
all student leaders.
School Photos: Monday of week three saw all our students attending school with their best haircuts
and immaculate uniforms looking great for their photos.
Promotion of State Emergency Service Youth Internship: Eighteen students from Year 9 & 10
demonstrated their interest in being part of this great program after an assembly address.
Visitation to Primary Schools: Visiting St Patrick’s, Lithgow; St Joseph’s, Portland and St Joseph’s,
Oberon with a coffee van to meet and greet students and invite them to our Year 6 Taster Day on
Friday 7th March.
Headspace: Engagement with Headspace through various programs and activities that started in
Week Two.
Junior Sport: Junior Sports commenced in Week One with students going to PCYC, Lawn Bowls, AFL
and Lake Wallace for fishing.
…and significant staff development: Full staff first aid course; child protection training, resilience
project training, data analysis training, networking and meetings for Principals, Assistant Principals,
Leaders of Teaching and Learning, Religious Education Coordinators, Youth Ministers, Literacy
This has all happened within 3.5 weeks of school starting. This reinforces the message that we
proudly promote. We are a small school, a school that has strong pastoral and wellbeing structures,
yet we are a school big enough to provide our students with opportunities aplenty. In the next few
weeks, I will have further exciting announcements about the future of La Salle Academy and I am
energised about the direction that our school is heading. With that in mind, we are current enrolling
students for 2026 and it is a promotional season for our school. Please keep these dates in mind:
Tuesday 4th March: Year 7 Families Welcome BBQ (5.30pm)
Friday 7th March: Year 6 Taste of High School Day (9.30am-2.30pm)
Students from Catholic schools will be escorted to this day. Any interested student from public schools need to call our office to reserve a spot for this Taste of High School day.
Friday 7th March: An open evening (5.30pm-7.30pm).
Come along, walk around the school with one of our current students. Listen to some important
announcements and then stay and enjoy a family BBQ at the end.
Friday 11th April: Due Date for all Year 7, 2026 enrolment forms.
We have had a great start to the year, I look forward to what 2025 has in store for La Salle Academy.
God Bless
Mr Glenn Carpenter
Assistant Principal

Good Luck to Our Year 7 Students Heading to Camp Yarramundi!
We are excited for our Year 7 students as they embark on their camp adventure from Wednesday to Friday this week. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to build friendships, develop teamwork skills, and enjoy a range of outdoor activities.
We encourage all students to embrace the experience, step out of their comfort zones, and make lasting memories. A huge thank you to our teachers and staff for making this camp possible!
Have a great time, Year 7 – we can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!
As we approach the upcoming NAPLAN assessments, we want to take this opportunity to provide some important information and reassurance for both students and families.
What is NAPLAN?
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) is an annual assessment for
students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. It measures essential skills in reading, writing, language
conventions (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy. These assessments help track
student progress over time and guide teaching strategies.
The NAPLAN timetable is attached in the teaching and learning article in this delagram.
NAPLAN Testing Period:
The days following 17th March will be used to do catch up tests if required.
How to Prepare
✔ Encourage a Positive Mindset: Reassure your child that NAPLAN is just one part of their
learning journey and not something to stress over.
✔ Maintain Healthy Routines: Ensure they get plenty of rest, eat a nutritious breakfast, and
arrive at school on time.
✔ Practice & Support: While formal preparation is not required, students can familiarize
themselves with the test format through practice activities provided in class.
On the Test Days
Students should bring a working device (if applicable), headphones, and stationery as
A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast will help them stay focused.
Teachers will provide a calm and supportive environment for all students.
Results will be shared with families later in the year. These results provide insights into students'
progress but do not define their abilities or future success. We celebrate every student’s effort
and growth beyond just test scores.
If you have any questions or concerns about NAPLAN, please don’t hesitate to contact the
school office.
Have a great fortnight
Mrs Holgate
Leader of Teaching and Learning

The term has certainly started to gain momentum and it is wonderful to see all of our students settle into their learning routines and work with their teachers and peers on their learning goals.
As the term progresses, the focus will inevitably turn to that of assessment and reporting. Students will soon be receiving assessment notifications across a range of subject areas and it is important that they consider their planning and preparation for these tasks. Early preparation is the key to success and it also helps to reduce the anxiety around assessment, especially when working on multiple tasks. Students are encouraged to seek clarification if they are unsure of the task requirements and to take advantage of the La Salle Academy Homework/Study Hub. This is held in the Library on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3.30 - 6.00. It is a quiet space which provides students with access to learning resources and learning assistance from staff.
This term also sees students in Years 7 and 9 participate in the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The testing for NAPLAN begins on Wednesday 12th March, 2025.
Why NAPLAN Matters
NAPLAN reflects key areas of literacy and numeracy, foundational to lifelong learning. Conducted annually for Years 3, 5, 7, and 9, it assesses skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and numeracy. While not the sole measure of ability, it offers a snapshot of progress and helps students build resilience under test conditions.
The Value of NAPLAN Data
For parents, NAPLAN data highlights your child’s strengths and areas for growth. For teachers, it informs targeted strategies to meet individual and class needs.
On a broader scale, NAPLAN helps our schools:
- Identify trends and evaluate teaching methods.
- Allocate resources effectively.
- Enhance educational outcomes collaboratively.
Working Together for Your Child
NAPLAN is just one tool among many. Our schools approach it with a supportive mindset, encouraging students to do their best while emphasising their broader talents. Open conversations with your child about NAPLAN’s purpose can foster confidence, and regular communication with teachers ensures we are collectively supporting their learning.
All students will need to use earphones for the Writing, Conventions of Language, and Numeracy tests. Students will not be permitted to use earphones in the Reading test.
Students in Year 7 should ensure their Chromebooks are fully charged the night before each test and remember to bring their own earphones.
Students in Year 9 will be using the school Chromebooks and headphones will also be supplied.
Items not permitted in the examination room include: phones, smartwatches, calculators.
Bring pens/pencils to enable any working out to be completed. Paper will be provided.
See the flyer attached below for more information on the NAPLAN assessment.
If you have any questions about NAPLAN or how to support your child, please contact Mrs Holgate or Mrs Devine.
Yours in learning,
Mrs Devine

Religious Education Coordinator

As a school community, we continue to pray for Pope Francis, asking for God’s strength and guidance as he leads the Church with wisdom and compassion. Let us keep him in our thoughts as we strive to follow his example of service, humility, and care for the most vulnerable.
All Religious Education classes are actively participating in Project Compassion, Caritas Australia’s annual appeal, and we are proud to assist in providing essential aid to those vulnerable communities across the world. Are as a school community collective continue to hope to make a real difference while deepening our commitment to faith in action.
We are excited to announce that we have currently raised $300 of our $3000 goal through various initiatives, including our St Valentine’s Day Stall, which alone contributed $250. Thank you to everyone who supported this event! Additionally, our recycling initiatives are continuing to generate funds while reinforcing our responsibility for caring for God’s creation.
Upcoming Faith Events & Fundraisers
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party on March 4th (Recess)
A fun and delicious way to mark the beginning of Lent, reminding us of the tradition of using up rich ingredients before the fasting season. Students can sign up via Google Classroom and Compass, with payment made on the day. May i also suggest you try the lemon and sugar on a buttered pancake, it is certainly one of my favourites!
Ash Wednesday Liturgy on March 5th (Period 5, School Hall)
This significant liturgy will gather our school to mark the start of Lent, a time of renewal and spiritual growth. We are honoured to welcome Father Reynold and Deacon Josh Clayton who will join us on this special occasion.
Ongoing Project Compassion Appeal
We encourage all students and families to support Project Compassion through donations, fundraising, and acts of kindness. Contributions can be made via the Caritas Australia website, or by scanning the QR code below:
Families wishing to contribute further can also collect a Project Compassion box to take home. Please reach out if you would like one. Every donation, big or small, helps create lasting change for those in need.
Celebrating Our Students
Christmas Colouring Competition
A huge congratulations to Abigail Long, Savannah Green, and Lauren Tackle, winners of our recent Christmas Colouring Competition! Your creativity and effort brought joy to our school community. Enjoy your delicious prizes.
Lasallian Student Leadership Seminar
We also extend our congratulations to the students who participated in the Lasallian Student Leadership Seminar over the Christmas break. This intensive five-day program challenged them to grow as faith-filled leaders and deepen their commitment to serving others. Their dedication is an inspiration to us all. These students received an award during our School Assembly today.
Ted Lewis Workshop
We sincerely thank Ted Lewis for generously sharing his expertise and knowledge with our five Year 11 students on Monday, 24th February, as they prepare to enter the 2025 Easter Art Competition. His guidance and support are truly appreciated.
Upcoming Faith Events
St John Baptist de La Salle Feast Day Mass on Monday 7th April at St Patrick’s Church
We warmly invite parents and community members to join us at 9:30 am in celebrating the life and legacy of our patron, St John Baptist de La Salle. This special Mass will be a moment of gratitude and reflection on the charism that shapes our school.
Easter Liturgy on 10th April at La Salle Academy
As we prepare for Easter, our school will gather to reflect on the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, deepening our understanding of the significance of this holy season. We warmly invite parents and community members to join us.
RISEN Youth Retreat (Years 10-12) on 11th-13th April
A wonderful opportunity for our senior students to grow in faith, connect with peers, and encounter God in a new and transformative way. We encourage all eligible students to consider attending this uplifting experience.
With warm regards,
Mrs Wilsmore-Smith
Religious Education Coordinator

Youth Minister

During Week 4, excitingly our Craft Club launched.
Any students keen to join, we meet every Tuesday at Recess in Room 13.
This term we are getting creative with custom mugs.
In Term 2 we will create personalised cards and unique T-shirts.
Our members are excited to add their own flair to these items, making them special and one-of-a-kind.
We are celebrating Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, with a fun and festive atmosphere. It's a time for laughter, pancakes, and enjoying each other's company before the more sombre tone of Ash Wednesday.
The following day marks the beginning of Lent, a time for reflection and renewal, reminding us of the balance between celebration and contemplation during this season.
Have a great fortnight.
Harry Pottinger
Youth Minister

Mission Leaders of La Salle Academy
Happy Friday everyone!
This coming Monday (3rd March 2025) we will begin running a clothing drive to give back to those who are most affected by poverty in areas including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon, Cameroon, Kashmir and various regions in Africa. We will be doing this through the local NGO House of Sadaqa, whose mission is to address current issues of social and economic disadvantage.
As of 2024, the NGO House of Sadaga has distributed clothing to over 1.2 million people worldwide. Together, we are bringing comfort and hope to those in need.
We ask that families contribute essential items like second-hand clothing, towels, sheets and blankets to bring comfort and security to those most in need. Baskets will be provided in each Religious Education classroom for donations.
This is a great initiative that can contribute to our social justice mission here at La Salle Academy as well as a great way to reduce our impact on the environment through recycling commonly discarded materials such as those mentioned.
We hope everyone can contribute!
Thank you
Ally Crane and Amira Kathir
2025 Mission Captains

Pastoral and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Year 7,9 and 11

Year 7
Year 7 are currently on camp at YMCA Camp Yarramundi, which is an opportunity for our newest students to build strong peer relationships, challenge themselves, and develop their new identity as a high school student. Throughout the camp, students participate in a range of outdoor activities designed to promote teamwork, leadership, and resilience. From navigating obstacle courses to sharing experiences over meals, each moment helps foster a sense of independence and confidence. By stepping outside their usual environment, students learn valuable life skills, deepen their connections with classmates, and return to school with a stronger sense of belonging and pride in their growing journey as high schoolers.
Year 9
Year 9 is a time when students begin to truly embrace the many opportunities available to them at school. As they gain more independence, they start to take ownership of their learning, seeking out ways to extend themselves beyond the classroom. Whether it’s challenging themselves in their subjects, participating in extracurricular activities, or taking on leadership roles in school events, Year 9 is a pivotal year for growth. Students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones, push their boundaries, and develop new skills, both academically and personally. By embracing these opportunities, they not only enhance their learning but also build resilience, confidence, and a stronger sense of self as they prepare for the years ahead.
Year 11
A few of our year 11 students have been chatting with me about the increase in workload, particularly with homework. Year 11 can be a challenging time for students, along with the increased workload comes balancing multiple subjects, each with their own deadlines, and assessments which can feel overwhelming. To cope with the workload, it’s important to stay organised by creating a study schedule and prioritising tasks based on their deadlines and difficulty. Breaking down large assignments into manageable chunks can make them seem less daunting. Additionally, seeking support from teachers, family, or peers when feeling overwhelmed can make a big difference in managing both the workload and mental wellbeing during this busy year.
Mrs Tahni Hotham
Wellbeing Coordinator (Years 7, 9 & 11)
Pastoral and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Year 8 and 10

We have been back at school for a month now and it feels as if we have settled back into the school routine. Firstly, I want to take a moment to highlight the importance of student wellbeing and the ways we can work together to ensure every child feels supported, valued, and empowered to thrive.
At La Salle Academy, we believe that wellbeing is the foundation for academic success and personal growth. We are committed to creating a nurturing environment where students feel safe, respected, and encouraged to reach their full potential.The last couple of weeks have seen some of our year 10 students attend workshops with Headspace here at school, which has been a positive experience for all students involved. On the 18th of March the students
will begin their excursions with Headspace which will then continue weekly until the end of term.
Next week on the 7th of March we have the Year 6 Taster Day. Several of our year 10 Peer
Support leaders will be taking part in assisting on the day and supporting future year 7
students in their first high school experience day. A reminder to those students to continue to
check their emails and compass notifications for more information on the running of the day.
The same evening we have our Open Evening, where we have a number of year 8 and 10
students assisting with tours. This is a very important event as it is a chance for future
families and students to see the wonderful facilities of the school. More importantly, it is an
opportunity for them to speak to our students and hear from them how much they love their
school. Thank you to those students who will be attending and to their parents for their
continued support.
A reminder that the 11th of March is the Charles Sturt Explore Day. The bus will be
departing at 7.45am that morning. It will be a very positive experience for the students of
year 10 to gain an insight into the opportunities that are available after school and the
different courses that are available. All students should have chosen the workshops they
would like to attend. Any issues here, please do not hesitate to contact me.
We are looking forward to the next couple of weeks and I will continue to work with parents
and students to encourage healthy routines amongst the students in an environment where
they feel encouraged to succeed.
Mrs Soliette Markovic
Year 8 & 10 Pastoral/Wellbeing Coordinator
Library News

Renaissance Accelerated Reader Program
The Accelerated Reader program is a key literacy initiative for years 7 - 10 and has been implemented in partnership with the English Faculty. It is designed to develop students’ reading and comprehension skills and encourage more consistent reading practices while fostering the habit of reading for pleasure.
Each term, students undertake a diagnostic reading test which provides data for their English teachers and identifies a recommended reading level. Students then select a text from the library collection which they borrow and read for twenty minutes in every English lesson. Once the text has been read, students complete an online comprehension quiz which helps inform teachers of their progress. Students will then choose another text to continue the process and this will occur throughout each term.
To ensure that students develop good reading habits and are able to complete the reading of the text within a two week period, they should also be reading consistently at home. If students need any assistance in accessing the online quizzes or in selecting the right text to read, they are encouraged to talk to their English teacher or visit the library.
Premier’s Reading Challenge 2025
The challenge has begun! Students who have registered to participate are now able to add titles to their individual reading logs. The Student Experience site on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website provides students access to booklists and recommendations for reading that can be linked to their logs once read.
All interested students can sign up at the library. More information on the rules and tips for completing the challenge can be found at
Library Activities
Modern libraries are no longer considered just places to store books. They are vibrant spaces where curiosity is encouraged and opportunities for collaboration and creativity abound. Our library at La Salle Academy is certainly no different! We offer students a range of activities which enable them to engage in their interests and connect with students from all year groups. These activities include: chess, board games, jigsaw puzzles, lego, card games and mindful colouring.
New Books
As subscribers to Lamont Standing Orders, we receive a delivery of new fiction titles for our collection each month. These texts include a range of fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels and picture books. Some of the wonderful texts on offer this month are:
The Lovely and The Lost - By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Kira is not someone to be messed with. She was found as a small child, living in the forest, by Cady Bennett - a world renowned search and rescue tracker.
When Cady’s long-lost Dad turns up and tells them that there is a small girl lost in the forest that needs finding, how can they refuse?
What follows is not only an incredible search and rescue effort, but a journey into family history, hidden secrets and mystery that keep the reader guessing until the end.
Save Our Forest! - By Nora Dåsnes & Translated by Lise Lærdal Bryn
This book contains a valuable message on the importance of preserving our wild habitats, particularly forests, for the benefit of all of humanity. It is an easy-to-read graphic novel that although set in Norway, will resonate with readers everywhere, especially those in the junior years.
Happy Reading,
Mrs Devine

Mowers Needed

La Salle Academy as part of our “Boys Education” program would like any working lawn mowers, or lawn mowers needing a little love and attention to bring them back to life.
These mowers will be cleaned up, repaired and painted if necessary and re-homed into our community.
Where possible it would help us greatly if they could be dropped off at the Academy.
These boys will increase their communication, numeracy and literacy skills by ordering, costing of the necessary parts and working in a team environment.
Thank you for supporting this program for our students.
All things attendance
It is law in NSW that all school age children must attend school every day that the school is open.
There is a direct relationship between learning success and excellent attendance
As we moved into the middle of the term our attendance had been trending upwards with
all years in the high nineties which is great.
Then came the swimming carnival. Why is it that students don’t wish to attend or even
participate? Parents, please remember that these days - i.e. swimming carnivals, athletics
carnivals and any retreat day or fundraising days are compulsory school days. We know that
not all students are Olympic swimmers or runners but they can still join in on the day’s
events and support their peers and engage in what are fun days at school. We had a
number of students who did not attend which is disappointing. Conditions of enrolment at
La Salle Academy is that you will support all policies in relation to studies, regular
attendance, sport, pastoral care, school uniform and the general operation of the school.
We hope moving forward that student participation in these days improves and that all
students are participating and involving themselves in the school spirit.
All absence can be explained in a few ways and here are your options below:
Compass Parent Portal App – if you are having trouble logging in please contact
the front office and they will be happy to help
Send in a note with the child to be handed to their admin teacher or the front
Email the school –
Email the Attendance Officer –
Phone the school on (02) 6354 5100
Education for your child is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your
child to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. Schools
work in partnership with parents to encourage and support regular attendance of children
and young people. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and
your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.
If you are experiencing any difficulties with getting your child to attend school, please keep
the lines of communication open. Call the school and speak to your child’s Pastoral and
Wellbeing Co-ordinator who will be more than happy to help.
Mrs Kath Staines
Attendance Wellbeing Officer

Thank you for your patience whilst waiting for the Fee Statements to be completed and distributed. These should be sent out via email today and accessible also through Compass. If you have any questions relating to your account, please let us know by contacting the school office. If you have not received your School Fee Statement via email by the first instalment date, please contact the school office to ensure that we have the correct email address on our system.
Fee billing dates for 2025 are listed below:
Fees will be generated at the beginning of the year and split into 3 instalments.Instalment due dates are as follows:* Term 1 Statement Date 28/02/2025 and instalment due date 14/03/2025* Term 2 Statement Date 9/05/2025 and instalment due date 23/05/2025* Term 3 Statement Date 1/08/2025 and instalment due date 15/08/2025
A reminder that payments can be made by the following payment options:
Account balances can be accessed via Compass and payments can be made on the App.
BPay Payment References are readily available on the Fee Statements.
Direct Debit Forms are available at the school – just call or email to enquire.
EFTPOS is available in person at the office or you are welcome to make payment over the phone.
Centrepay Forms are available from ServiceNSW or call / email and we can arrange one to be sent.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the office by calling (02) 6354 5100 or by emailing the
school on lasallelithgow@bth.
account or if experiencing any difficulty so we can arrange a suitable solution.
Kind regards,
Narelle Lee
Office Manager
Important Information
CEBD Community Charter
Upcoming Events and Opportunities

Karate Classes
We are a local karate school who have been operating for over 25 years with experienced, qualified instructors.
We provide fun, affordable karate classes for kids, teens and adults to develop fitness, determination, focus and self defence in a safe, welcoming environment.
Our karate school is a traditional school that follows the virtues of respect, peace and perseverance and helps to develop students in the dojo as well as in their daily lives.
We are offering a FREE trial lesson to all new students.
Kind regards,
Tamara Snow
Blue Mountains Karate Admin and Instructor
Phone: 0425 370 859
Facebook: chito ryu karate blue mountains

Student stationery pack

Becoming a foster carer

Canteen- Flexischools App
Canteen cut off times for order are as follows:
Lunch time : 12pm
If you are interested in helping in the canteen please call our office 6354 5100
Thank You
Canteen Manager
We have the flexischools app for your convenience order online - See the flyers below with instructions on how to order

School Zones Reminder